PRISMA - Frank Haasnoot
- -20%
Unique style, multicultural influences, and amazing finishes come together in a cohesive book from start to finish.
Modernized classic pastries from one of Paris’s rising stars.
From first thing in the morning to desserts at night, the day moves to the rhythm of Yann Couvreur's favorite recipes. Viennoiseries, kouglof and scones; éclairs, tartlets with figs, not to mention their plate desserts, leaks (strudel with buckwheat and vanilla from Madagascar, green apple vacherin and shiso ...), every moment of the day invites you to succumb to gluttony. Here, in his first book, he includes those desserts and many others, arranged by the time of day that the chef imagines would be more attractive.
De l'heure du réveil aux desserts du soir, la journée s'écoule au rythme des recettes fétiches de Yann Couvreur. Viennoiseries, kouglof et scones ; éclairs, tartelettes ou figuier, sans oublier ses desserts à l'assiette, les fugues (millefeuille au blé noir et vanille de Madagascar, vacherin pomme verte et shiso...), la parenthèse salée et le goûter, tous les instants de la journée vous invitent à succomber à la gourmandise.
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